Vacation Day 5
Wednesday, Jun. 30, 2004 - 03:02

Vacation Day 5 *cue dramatic music*

Well, not really. Today I slept in way too much. But I guess I needed it. Hopefully I will get over this needing sleep by Friday. Oh well, I'll probably get exausted in NYC again, but thats life. It'll be for a worthy cause.

Today I acomplished little. Managed to walk about 5 times as much as I needed to for a haircut. Walked about 70 blocks, couldn't find the place I was looking for, stoped at a different random place, then decided to pick up some milk and cheese on the way back, and found the place I was looking for next to Trader Joe's. Boy was I embarased. But was good to walk, and since its only in the upper 70's, it was a pleasant walk, rather than the miserable walk it woulda been in Chico.

After I got back, went to dinner at "tangles". Heh heh heh. I couldn't figure out why the HELL it was called tangles. That word was nowhere about the restaraunt. Following are pictures:

Apparently, "tangles" got its name because of the rough shape the chicken had of rectangles, and it was shortened to "tangles". Yes, I have strange friends. It was very good food, though, and I'll probably go at least once more before I leave.

Saw Spiderman 2 tonight. Never been to a 12:01 showing before. Thought there'd be more micro$oft geeks there, but it wasn't that full. Was a good movie, so much superior to the first. I recomend it to everyone. Was so hard to see, for some reason, so much reminded me of what I'm going through, between my loss and my desires. Didn't help that we showed up way early and I was playing a game on my phone that I havn't played since I played it with Julie. Miss her a lot, want to move on. I have, in a lot of ways, this trip is helping with that. In some ways, I don't think I ever will. I hope whoever I end up with can understand that. I hope someone in particular can understand that, but, well, thats a pipe dream I need to give up. But I'm never good at that.

Back to Spidey 2, it was a good movie with good character development, good action, good ending. I really liked it, and will definatly buy it when it comes out on DVD, hopefully an extended version. I recomend whomever reads this to waste a couple hours on seeing it.

Found out a lot of people in Doggus are talking about me coming back suddenly, and are happy to have me back. Didn't think most people would care. But its nice to be appreciated. Lots don't know what happened to me, and most who are finding out think its a bad joke at first. But, yea, its nice to be back. We are gonna get started on a UT2K4 ladder, I'll play with em and put my 1337 $k1lz to use. Bunch of very strange guys, but I get along with em.

Well. Its late, again, as uaual. Guy I'm staying with making some drinks, getting fairly drunk and watching transformers. I'm very confused. But its all good. I'm in a better mood than I have been for a while, and will probably sleep better tonight than I have for a while.

Wish you all a happy Wednesday. Don't let an opportunity pass you by.

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