Doglan Day 2
Sunday, Jun. 27, 2004 - 03:58

Well, apparently I lied yesterday about posting again. So here it is. Been having fun. There was so much beer here when I got here on friday. Its all gone. I had to drink a Green Light tonight, it was sad. I'm surprised some people havn't died, 3 cases of Steel Reserve. Possibly the worst beer I have ever tasted. I actually had to drink two because I was sure it couldn't taste so bad again. It did.

Played lots of games, just about out of HD space on my laptop. Ment to get a USB drive and another gig of RAM before this trip, but never did. So doglan is over on the morrow. Sometime then I'll head over to spend a few more days with a friend, then off to New York. That'll be interesting there. Hopefully fun.

Nothing terribly interesting happened today, I mean, we played games, ate BBQ and watched Dodgeball on this guys projector. Great flic, btw. None of which are terribly exciting unless you happen to be doing them at the time. Oh, we also had a Super Puzzle Fighter 2 tourney. The grand prize was a spineless boner. They all thought the name was terribly amusing. What it was was a tool to debone fish. Less amusing, then.

I'm the last one up. Gonna lock my computer so nothing unsavory gets put on it in my absence. I'll leave you with the quote of the day: "You've been bearded."

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