Nothing Interesting
Sunday, Jun. 20, 2004 - 19:02

Nothing interesting to say. End of another weekend. Didn�t accomplish much but end the weekend more exhausted than I started it. Friend of mine going through a fairly rough breakup. Stayed up most of last night talking him through it, after watching some stupid movies. Pretty standard, though. Relationship had a lot of problems but neither of them wanted to talk about it for risk of hurting the other, so it just came to a point where neither of em were happy blah blah blah. They both wanted to be friends, but she isn�t willing to let go and still wants to act like they are in a relationship. Things like this are why I so don�t want to start dating again.

Leaving for my trip in under a week. Hope I can take care of everything I need to before then. It�ll be an interesting trip. Gone for a month. New York will be the most interesting in more ways than one, but I�m looking forward to all the stops. Hopefully I can get my life back to some sort of normalcy when I return. Gotta try and get my sleep schedule back on track or I�m not gonna be able to enjoy my trip, cause I�ll just sleep through it.

Thinking of moving to Oroville when I get back. Cheaper there, and most of my friends are there rather than here. Only half an hour away, too. Who knows how it�ll go, maybe I�ll end up getting a roommate here. Maybe, maybe, maybe. I hate how uncertain my life is. Hate a lot about my life right now and I�m not able to fix it. Won�t ever be able to fix some of it. Hopefully I can learn to live with it.

Was expecting a call by now, looks like I�m not gonna get it. Ah, well, tis life. I�ll just relax and enjoy the rest of my evening, maybe make some dinner or something. I�m not very interesting at this time, anyway, so the call woulda been boring for the other party. Miss a lot of things, guess they are not meant to be.

This caffeinated hot sauce sucks. Tastes pretty good, but the caffeine content is a joke. Next time I�ll crush up a couple NoDoze and mix it in. That should give it some umph.

For the purpose of not repeating myself, yet again, I�ll cut it off here. That and I somehow hurt the middle finger on my left hand. Just tried to pick up my dinner bowl and droped it cause it gave out. Thats not good. Don't know what I'd do without that finger. Anyway, I'll leave you with something amusing a friend sent me. Got a couple of laughs out of it.

How to make a Karabats

1 part success

1 part brilliance

3 parts energy

Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of wisdom and a pinch of salt. Yum!

yesterday - tomorrow