Friday, Jun. 04, 2004 - 02:42

I've been up all night writing. Not sure I'm ready to post a story like that here yet, but we'll see when I finish it.

Don't have much to say about today. Went to my brother in laws graduation. That was a lot more painful than I thought it would be. Near tears for no particular reason a few times. She was specifically mentioned in one of the speeches. That�s why they made the speech barefoot, in honor of the speech she made there, 3 years ago, also barefoot.

Don't have the mental energy for a long update tonight. Sorry to my regulars.

I've been crying off and on all night, due to my writing.

I have half a pseudo-poem here. I can't remember the other half.

Death comes without comfort, an ending without resolution.

Grief does not cleanse, only brings the past to the present.

Time heals no wounds, merely makes you forget how bad the pain was.

Pain does not cleanse, merely bleeds you out till you are forced to forgetfulness

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