Saturday Morning
Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 - 06:00

I'm typing this up before I head to bed. Yes. I'm just getting to sleep at 6 am.

A lot of stuff went through my head tonight, but nothing came out that I feel like sharing. Either too nonsenseical or just repeating what I've written before.

Something has to change in me, soon, or I will break. Its just a matter of time.

I miss some people who have left. More than I should. Another problem to be delt with in myself, I suppose.

I'm lonely in the midst of company. I shouldn't be, but I am. The company I desire I cannot have.

I started up a deviant art page. Posted much of the writing I have here there, a bit more polished, but mostly unchanged. I'll be putting some things there that I don't have on here soon, but that is to come after sleep.

Another day come, another weekend. Only two weeks till my month long vacation starts. Not so certain I'm ready for it, but I will have to be. Hope I can find someone to stay with in NYC. Things could get harry otherwise.

Gonna give into exaustion now. Saturday morning cartoons arn't worth staying awake for.

My bed is still so depressing. So lonely. But that is life, now.

Have a good weekend, doubt I'll post again before the end of the weekend.

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