blown off
Monday, May. 24, 2004 - 20:37

Person I'm talking about might read this and might not.

I suppose I shouldn't be as mad as I am, but people who complain about unreliable people, and then blow you off multiple times, just gets on my nerves. If your gonna blow me off, at least call me before hand. At least call me before late in the evening so I have a chance make other plans instead of wasting it. Its not like I haven�t given you every out short of canceling myself, I just don't understand it. You say you enjoy spending time with me, then blow me off to clean your house for a party that you don't tell me about? Then do it again cause you've decided to throw a BBQ with your roommates again, after telling me you would absolutely be there? I'm sorry, I'm not being fair to you, most likely, but I don't understand these actions. This does not seem to me to be the way one treats a friend. If you are really sincere about inviting me along (nice of you to tell me why, this time), something like "I know we had this planned, but my roommates really want to have this BBQ with me, and I'd like it if you would come along." Instead of calling me after I call you, saying "Oh, btw, I skipped out on you because I'm having a BBQ with my roommates.... oh, you can show up if you want to."

Perhaps I've just completely misread you, perhaps I shouldn't have been so trusting after the first time. I assumed cause you said you hated unreliable people that, well, you wouldn't turn into one.

Ok, I'm gonna stop, I ran out of things to say without sounding even more pissed off. I probably shouldn't post this, but I will anyway. Tired of being nice and accommodating.

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